WHPA Officers
President 1st Vice President
Gary Volz Jane Smith
508 Tanglewood Dr. 1481 180th Ave.
DeForest, WI 53532 Balsam Lake, WI 54810
(608) 444-8563 (715) 485-3057
whpagvolz@gmail.com kirbys007@centurytel.net
2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President
Kevin Brekke Sonia Cook
1802 W. Lois Ln. D1483 Second St.
Edgerton, WI 53534 Stratford, WI 54484
(608) 669-1218 (715) 384-5540
brekkekev3@aim.com cook_sonia@yahoo.com
Secretary-Treasurer Hall of Fame
John Secord Jeff Secord
W6868 Brown Rd. W2805 Johnsburg Rd.
Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Fond du Lac, WI 54957
(920) 922-0080 (920) 795-4171
whpajs@charter.net jeffsecord@outlook.com
WHPA / NHPA Chaplain WHPA Webmaster
Ken Heinritz Dave Volz
N95W22107 Cty. Rd. Q W7133 Geier Rd
Colgate, WI 53017 Wonewoc, WI 53968
(262) 255-7339 (608) 547-2769
heinritzken@gmail.com davevolz@hotmail.com
WI / NHPA Regional Director* NHPA Junior Promotion Director
John Meyer Aleena (Cook) Lepak
500 Martin Ave. D1483 Second St.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Stratford, WI 54484
(920) 921-2936 (715) 650-0637
jhmey64@hotmail.com aleena_cook5@hotmail.com
Marketing and Publicity
Fred Lane
541 2nd St.
North Stevens Point, WI 54481
(715) 347-2507
* NHPA Regional Directors can help anyone,
who is interested in finding leagues and tournaments in their area.